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your first step to
financial health

a foundational financial plan for everyone every year
today 40% of U.S. households risk running
short of money in retirement

we can't expect tomorrow's money to be in good shape if today's money is a mess

4 out of 5 employees with high financial stress say it distracts them at work. Almost half who are distracted by their finances at work say they spend 3+ working hours each week thinking about or dealing with issues related to their personal finances resulting in:

the costs of employee financial stress - employees at all income levels are stressed


156 hours/year

distracted from work


19.5 days/year

in lost productivity

$3,922 cost/year/employee

for loss in productivity

meet intellisteps

Want to know how to engage your participants in a worksite financial planning program that encourages behavior changes around money? With a download of employee census data including age and wage, we can provide participants a foundational financial plan and program.


yes! a financial plan
or every employee!

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intellicents team

our people are dedicated

to your people.

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your employees' path to financial freedom all mapped out for you.

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Over half (52%) of Americans know what their financial goal is but feel they don’t know how to get there. They rank getting good money advice (63%)

as vital for financial happiness:

the secret to experiencing more happiness?

having a plan of action.

the full view

integrated comprehensive financial plan

Our intellisteps plan provides all employees a look at the basics that form their financial health. For those who desire to fill in all the details, full access is always available to an intellicents financial advisor that will work with them to develop an integrated comprehensive financial plan for where they want to go,

and how they're going to get there.

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report insights that include: 

  • navigating the numbers + trends over the years

  • plan assets broken down by age, wage, + tenure

  • deferral elections + employer match utilization

  • retirement readiness projections

plan sponsor retirement
readiness aggregate report

are you ready for the next step?

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