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A Mother's Day Message

A mother’s work is never done, never easy, and never celebrated enough.  It’s not uncommon to hear people describe their mom as “The Best Mom Ever” and proudly present them with a personalized coffee cup or trophy.  But for many people, Mother’s Day can be a difficult day, filled with emotion, struggle, and maybe even heartbreak.  For that reason, this year we want to honor all the ways this complicated day affects people.

For some, this is your first Mother’s Day without your mom.  We’ve heard so many stories of loss this past year and our hearts are with you as you find new traditions to continue celebrating the person who gave you life.  Whether you plant flowers in their honor, enjoy brunch at their favorite restaurant, or spend an afternoon on their favorite lake - we know the person you call “mom” is in your thoughts on this day more than others.

For the moms of little ones who are wondering if the real gift might be some quiet time alone, we see you.  We know you’re exhausted and have run out of ideas about what to have for dinner.  Know that you inspire us.  This year, we send you all our restorative energy wishes and have our fingers crossed you get the nap you so greatly deserve.

For the moms who will be celebrating via Zoom because geography prevents a physical hug, we are ready and waiting to step into that gap.  Every single person in our office has experienced this and we would love to meet you for ice cream, hear about your kids’ adventures, and give you the hug they themselves aren’t able to deliver this year.

For the foster and adoptive moms who have committed to opening your hearts and homes, we believe you are single-handedly changing the world.  Your love is making a difference in the most tangible way imaginable, and we are in awe of your willingness to risk – sacrifice, even! – your own comfort every single day.

For those that thought they’d be a mom by now, but that isn’t how life has played out -- we know how heartbreaking this day can be for you.  We know you may be tempted to stay home, avoid social media, and dodge the awkward sympathy that may come from well-meaning friends and family.  You are not forgotten, and you are not invisible.  Be encouraged to give yourself the self-care you need today, in whatever form that may be.

To those whose children are no longer with you, we grieve with you.  We know that however briefly you held them, they will always be in your heart.  You are no less important on this day.  We would not dare to suggest that we know all you have been through, or even begin to imagine the pain you have endured, so we won’t offer empty platitudes.  But you are in our thoughts and hearts more than ever today.

And for those of you for whom this day evokes painful memories, we wish you nurturing relationships to help heal the hurts and mend your hearts.

Wherever your heart is this Mother’s Day, we want you to know we are grateful for you.  We are here if you need a shoulder to cry on or an ear to speak to.  We are looking forward to many years of celebrating life’s triumphs and heartaches with you as friends.


To those that have offered motherly wisdom and guidance into our lives, we want to wish you a very happy Mother’s Day.  You more than deserve it.




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